I liked the one book's blue spine. (Ask my best friend; she'll tell you I'm drawn to blue. In clothes, furniture, trinkets. Always blue.) I lifted it from the others; its trade paperback size perfect in my hands. And from the back cover blurb to the front cover endorsement, it smacked of women's fiction. So it had me, see.
When I got to the front register, the shopkeeper said it had been her copy. "Joanna Trollope, she's one of my favorites. I'm glad to see the book find someone new."
Second Honeymoon is a tale of family and of change, wrapped in the tenderness and fragility of motherhood.
Edie Boyd's children have all grown and moved out, leaving both the nest and her heart empty. Her sense of purpose, gone. Her life's work, unraveled. She has no choice but to scrabble through, and revive her marriage to Russell, try to resuscitate an acting career she'd once set aside.
Until, that is, one circumstance after another leads each of the kids home again, and Edie has the option of reclaiming her role of a lifetime: motherhood. But is anything as good the second time around?
Trollope's writing is beautiful, full of heart and depth. Her insights into life, into the emotions of a woman, wife and mother, build a story of truth and relatability. It's women's fiction, perfected.
This post is part of Spreading the Awesome, an event created and hosted by Elana Johnson. Today you'll find bloggers, all over the internet, sharing details about the books they most love, and the incredible authors behind them.
I'll refer you now to Gretchen McNeil. She'll be sharing her own review and the link for another blog and review, and so on, in our round-robin way of connecting one to the next and (eventually) back again.
For Elana's all-inclusive list of bloggers and the links to their awesome, visit her page of recommended reads.
So Joanna Trollope, she's one of my favorites. And this is my way of helping her books find someone new.
Sounds like a wonderful book. I love to find books this way:)
Did you judge a book by its cover then?
Ha, sounds like you found a winner.
This book would be my kind of read cause I can so relate:)
Covers are so important. They do draw you in! :O)
I'm always on the lookout for a good read, thanks.
This looks like a wonderful book. That Elana is one smart cookie!
Oh, dear, she's right up there with Maeve Binchy!
Thanks for plugging another writer.
So glad to add a women's fiction title to my growing to-read list today. Thanks for the recommendation!
Ohps, missed this spreading of love deal. Next time maybe. Like the description of this one.
~ Wendy
sounds great! I cannot wait to check this one out!
Visit My Kingdom Anytime
Looks like a great story. I always imagined taking one of those 'around the world' cruises when the last munchkin moves out. It would get me out of the house for a long time, and by the time I get back, I would be ready for that new chapter in my life.
Thanks for sharing!
Awesome! I was wondering what the "Spreading the Love" was about! I've seen it several places now. Thanks for your explanation!
Sounds interesting!
That sounds really good.
Okay, that cover is freakin' adorable. I would have been drawn to it too!
Thanks for the recommendation. Sounds like a good read. :)
Thanks for the recommendation! I like blue, too. Especially antique glass blue.
Looks like a great read (and I love the cover!)
This sounds lovely. I'm writing it down.
Sounds like another great book!
Love the suggestion...thanks!
Thanks for introducing me to a new author!
I love Women's Fiction! Thanks for the recommendation, I have been a bit stilted in my reading lately. This motivates me!
Sounds like a fantastic read. Thank you so much for pointing it out to me! :)
Thanks, everyone! I'm glad so many are interested in the book.
And welcome to those who've never been to SSW before. :)
Looks like a great book. I do this too sometimes--something about the book calls to me and even before I read the back copy I decide to buy it. :)
I got that email from Elana, but I'm so behind that I haven't had a chance to participate. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's posts. Oh, I LOVE to antique shop. There is a wonderful strip mall down the street from me. Next time I'm in there, I'll look for something blue *grin*
It's funny--I do the same with anything corral colored.
And by the way, it looks like we have very similar tastes in adult books. I LOVE Elizabeth Berg and Anita Shreve. I just met Elizabeth Berth last week, actually! What an amazing experience. I nearly hyperventilated, I think. But I am not familiar with Joanna Trollope yet. And this sounds like something I'd love to read--very much in line with Berg and Shreve. Thanks for the recommendation!
Sounds interesting, I may have to find this one:) Thanks for sharing with us!
So many great new books to read- today has been so much fun! Thanks for another wonderful recommendation, Janna! :-)
The colors in the cover grabbed me too. I'm adding this one to my library list.
Excellent review! I'm going to see if I can't get my hands on a copy of this book!
Ooh, that sounds really awesome. I'll definitely have to check it out. Thanks, Janna!
Sounds good. I love recommendations like this.
I missed the spreading the awesome thing, but this sounds like a good story. Moving.
Although, once my kids move out, I'm not sure if I'd want them back. *grin* Less time to write, you know.
Unless they came back and waited on me. Did laundry. Made me food. Oh yeah. That would be great. LOL
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you found a great new author.
So you like blues? No wonder we read each other, it couldn't be helped with me having a name like Indigo could it (winks).
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to check out Joanna Trollope's books. (Hugs)Indigo
I haven't read Trollope in a few years, but always enjoyed her work. This one looks great, I'll definitely add it to my to-read list. And that cover would've caught my eye too, it's very catchy!
Love Joanna Trollope... she has written some goodies. Dont think I have read this one... must go and get it! x
This looks so great! I'll have to add it to the list. Yikes, my list is getting long and out of control.
"Helping her books find someone new." Beautifully said...I posted an author interview today of a friend who writes lovely mysteries/romance/women's fiction. She is a wonderful talented friend and my hope id by my post some of her newest (and older) books will find homes and my readers will find a new favorite author. :)
Janna, I've seen your name all over the place lately....so I had to check you out. :)
Elana's idea for these book reviews is great. This one sounds awesome. Thanks for reviewing it.
i wonder if she's related to the famous
trollope ?
myletterstoemily, she is! He was an uncle, or grandfather, somewhere down the line. It's in the blood! :)
janna, how cool is that! the apple doesn't
fall far from the tree . . .
What a great way to talk about books! I love your review and have added the title to my list of books to add to my pile(s).
Just based on the number of authors that you have listed as your favorites, that are also my favorites (almost all of them), I think I will like this novel. Never heard of Joanna Trollope, but it sounds like a beautiful book.
Trollope is one of my favorite fiction writers, too. I think I've read all she's written and can't wait for a new one! The other author I enjoy is Adriani Trigiana. Have you read any of hers? And of course Maeve Binchy...
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