QUESTION: What's the worst way to make a great first impression? `
ANSWER: By flipping deep-dish spinach pizza across the table at your dinner companion, of course.
Amy and Janna |
Amy and I just laughed, and I dared her to share tale of my clumsiness (which I'm beating her to, I think). No damper on our dinner.
I've known Amy, who is such a great and talented woman, through the power of the internets for what has to be a few years now. And when I learned I'd be visiting an area very close to her hometown, we planned a real-life meeting.
I've talked about such meetings, with colleagues and bloggy buddies and all, here on the ol' blog before, and many of you have had the same experiences. It's just so darn cool. What pleases my writer's spirit is the connection over words, and the craft, that one can't get just anywhere.
Amy and I talked about agents (she recently signed with Jason Yarn of
The Paradigm Agency!), women's fiction, favorite authors, POV/tenses, premises, plots, and brainstorming about your WIP with habit, as a rule not an exception. Who else can you do that with and not bore your company to silence and disinterest? It's a powerful thing to share the same wavelength with another writer.
I absolutely enjoyed our time together. Flipped food and all!
If you've never crossed paths with Amy, go meet her now. Visit her blog and website at She also has a post up at
STET! today, so you can find her there. Tell her Janna sent you.
You should try deep-dish spinach pizza, too. It's good.