Saturday, November 3, 2018

Same Blog, New Blogger

It's been eleven years since I created Something She Wrote. It's been seven since I wholeheartedly called this place my home. Since I nested here. Kept it warm. Left the light on for me and for you.

Used to be I spent a lot of time in these digs. This is where I honed my writing. It's where I found my creative voice.

In those seven years everything has changed...

I got divorced in the fall of 2011. I subsequently learned to identify the word "abuse" and how it applied to me, which led to my passionate and ongoing advocacy for women who are victims and survivors of domestic abuse. I legally restored my maiden name.

My two daughters are now thriving, incredible teenagers. We've moved a few times, and find ourselves rooted in a town that's been supremely good for us. It's just the three of us---has been the full seven years---plus the old cat and special needs chihuahua we've taken in.

I've had a journey through jobs, and worked hard not just to prove myself but also to earn some state licensing, which led me to the funeral services industry. Turns out, it's something I was made for. Who could have guessed all those years ago?

I'm back!
I'm different. After a lot of effort I'm transformed. I'm independent and self-sustaining. Determined. Emotionally and mentally sound. Fulfilled. Healed, and at peace. These years are where I found my strength.

Still, somewhere along the way I lost the writer I used to be. She got buried under many other things which didn't ask to be priority, but needed to be anyway. Now it's time to find her again. I want to get back to writing, really writing.

Today is my 40th birthday. What better day to reveal the revival of Something She Wrote, and launch my search? Already I feel like she's within reach.

Maybe I just needed to find my way back to this old familiar place of my own.

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