Do you know what it's like to lose a loved one?
I do.
My dad is gone.
None of my grandparents are living.
Six of my uncles
and two of my aunts have died.
And those are just the people I'm related to. I've been to countless other funerals. Too many for my still-young age.
I feel big and deep over most things, but especially loss of life. I cry at funerals, sometimes I ugly sob, and sometimes I snot all over the place. It's embarrassing and gut-wrenching and awfully human and nobody should have to do that again and again.
I don't like it.
I'm telling you this because too many people aren't taking the pandemic seriously. Too many are letting politics and religion get in the way of science. Too many are shrugging off the data and the deaths and the daily records of cases across all of America and the simple ways we can all fix this with and for each other.
I'm telling you because I don't want to see an upcropping of funerals for people I know and care about in the near future and into 2021. My kids and I have lives to get back to. There are people I want around for years to come, as I'm sure you'll agree is also true for you.
If you or your loved one faces the ultimate consequence of all this careless behavior, I will mourn. I will ugly sob for you or them. But I have to be frank and say that somewhere deep down, because I am awfully human, my soul will also whisper, "We told you so."
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