What was the last thing you wrote?Something for chapter 10 in my current novel-in-progress.
Was it any good?Eh. The jury (of one - me) is out.
Write poetry?Occasionally, but I have no passion for it.
Angsty poetry?Well, I once was a teenage girl. What's that tell ya?
Favorite genre of writing?Women's Fiction
Most fun character you ever wrote? Thus far, a sassy salesclerk named Dom. But it was a minor appearance.
Most annoying character you ever wrote?
Charlotte, a self-absorbed, unpleasant and rude woman, whose character I built using similar people from my own life. Kind of a catharsis, really.
Best plot you ever wrote?Now, now. I can't give anything specific away. I'll just say, it's in the works and its potential is grand. If I can pull it off.
Coolest plot twist you ever wrote?
An underlying and unexpected connection between two people.
How often do you get writer’s block?Let's see... it's ten past the hour... right. about. now!
How do you fix it?Sit down and beg discipline from myself... or do something different until the words start flowing again. Showers always help.
Write fan fiction?Never once. And I'll be honest, I really don't understand the following. If you're that creative, come up with something entirely new.
Do you type or write by hand?By choice, always type. If it's by hand, it's because no computer is near. And it's very choppy and messy and small.
Do you save everything you write?
Absolutely. Unless it's a grocery list, you know.
Do you ever go back to an idea long after you abandoned it?Sure do. Especially if I abandoned it on purpose, to gain fresh perspective.
What’s your favorite thing you have ever written? I'm partial to a couple short stories, and I really feel something for my current WIP. It may be the best thing I've written to date, whether it sees publication in the end or not.
What’s everyone else’s favorite thing you’ve written?Maybe you could tell me?
Do you show people your work?Less and less so. As I said last week, it's becoming important for me to keep things under wraps a bit.
Did you ever write a novel?One complete, one left hanging... and a new one I haven't spoken about yet...
Have you ever written fantasy, sci-fi, or horror?Golly, no! And I don't aim to. Not my fortes.
Ever written romance or teen angsty drama?Yep. Except the teen angsty drama thing.
How many writing projects are you working on right now?One big project, and it's not uncommon to have several little ones floating around.
Do you want to write for a living?Pshh! Who doesn't?
Have you ever won an award for writing?
In middle school, for a summer poem about lemonade. *cheesy grin*
Ever written something in script or play format? No, but wouldn't it be easy? I could tell, tell, tell. ;)
What character you've written most resembles yourself? My current MC has a very similar nuance and voice. And I love her.
Where do you get the ideas for your characters?
Divine Intervention. And brainstorms.
Do you ever write based on dreams?
Some details come to me that way, for sure.
Do you favor happy endings, sad endings or cliff hangers?I like things tied up and neat, but I'm learning they don't have to be happily ever after.
Have you ever written based on an artwork you’ve seen?I've been prompted by photos before.
Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?Shoot, yes. Anal-retentive much?
Ever written anything entirely in chatspeak (How r u)?Just on my phone. Shh...
Are people surprised and confused when they find out you write well?I get the gamut of reactions.
Quote something you’ve written. The first thing to pop in your mind.
"Something changed my thinking. Made my thinking change." Brilliant, I know.
Whew! That was fun. How 'bout you?