Friday, September 24, 2010

RQ #13

What do you do when you believed your path was laid and lit-up for you, and you embraced it with everything, but suddenly a new one appears--and it captures all your excitement, attention and desire?

Which path do you take?


Wendy Paine Miller said...


Tabitha Bird said...

The new one. Jut cause. And also... nah... just cause :)

Melissa Gill said...

I'd take the new path. I find that usually the path that's all lit up and seems perfect is the one I picked for myself. The one that captures all my attention and desire is the one God's set out for me. At least for me that's mainly been true.

Jennifer said...

I've always learned to follow my gut. No really! It hangs out in front of me so I have no choice but to follow it. ;) But I also follow my instincts and if something new pops up that is exciting, I'll go for it.

Anonymous said...

I have to go for the shiny objects. Luckily, so far the shinies have been where I was meant to go, so it worked out.

Deb Shucka said...

The new one for sure. Sometimes the entire purpose of a path is to get us to the one we're really meant to walk. Trust your heart and the energy.

septembermom said...

I would go for the new and exciting one. That path is calling to you right now in the space that you're in. You can't ignore that call. Muses can be fickle :) Happy Friday!

Susan R. Mills said...

I love Wendy's answer! Yes, both would be ideal.

AnnotatedLA said...
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AnnotatedLA said...

Well in my infinite wisdom (ha ha),I would attempt to take both paths. If there came a point where I would have to choose one, at least I'd know which one I liked better.

Karen said...

Uh oh, I don't know. Does one have chocolate along the way?

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Janna -

In a word: pray!

Susan :)

Aimlesswriter said...

Since I'm a virgo I'd make two lists: pros and cons.
Then I'd try to decide if I want to lead with my head or my heart.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Exactly! It appears I'm taking the new path. It's comforting that so many here say they would take the new. Whew!


Tamika: said...

Hard question:) I'm not usually an impulsive person... The woman I am today would pray about it first, because I've been known to turn down a wrong path!

KA said...

All of them. I hate loose ends. Leaving things undone isn't my style.

Elizabeth Munroz said...

I'm with Joseph Campbell on this one... "Follow your bliss."

Angie Muresan said...

I often take the one where my responsibilities lie. I'm not brave enough to go for what I really want.

Terri Tiffany said...

Take a right hand turn:)

Rhonda Schrock said...

Pray like mad and pick hubby's brain and others that I trust. One of my favorite prayers in situations like this is for opened and closed doors.

AvDB said...

I would consider if the new path excited me simply because it offered superficial distraction from traveling the old path. If so, I would ignore it and continue on. If not, I would change direction without hesitation.

Melissa Amateis said...

I research the new path and look at it from lots of different angles. And I pray. Then I listen.

Erin MacPherson said...

I take the new path... every time.