A new job would be fabulous, but since I reckon that'll be hard to fit in a sack, I don't have expectations for anything. If I get gifts from my family it'll most likely be practical things that I'll need when I eventually move out.
Oh Santa....can DL have a new computer this Christmas?? My old one is barely limping along, and I've been a very, very, very good boy this year! Promise!!!!
(actually, I've done some of the best writing of my life this year, I've GOT great friends, some good tea, and a hoarde of good books. So I suppose all I'd like is an extra hour's sleep. And more of all of that stuff for 2011.)
Excuse me for saying so but I really wish people would say Santa's bag rather than sack. My skewed brain goggles like a 4th grader every time a hear or read Snata's sack.
As long as I'm dreaming it...well I hope, wish and pray for the bestest companion, friend to be in his sack !
A new job would be fabulous, but since I reckon that'll be hard to fit in a sack, I don't have expectations for anything. If I get gifts from my family it'll most likely be practical things that I'll need when I eventually move out.
Oh Santa....can DL have a new computer this Christmas?? My old one is barely limping along, and I've been a very, very, very good boy this year! Promise!!!!
Mine is simple. Passable roads from Seattle to Idaho.
Books of course! Happy Holidays Janna!
I wish to keep discovering contentment, as I plod along trying to figure things out.
A home of my own, surrounded by trees. We live in a parsonage, and I'd like our own home to go to if and when we retire.
Oh, I hope the iPad is in there. I really want one of those.
A literary agent and a three-book contract!
Dang, I'm so greedy. I looked at these other peoples lists and said, yep want that, want that. Seriously, I want everything, but don't need a thing.
Family peace. :O)
Santa, can I have a new car? I don't care what color, but a van so my big dog can ride comfy and I can haul bunches of family. :)
Hi Janna -
An agent. :)
A pony!
Nononowait...A ROBOT PONY!
(actually, I've done some of the best writing of my life this year, I've GOT great friends, some good tea, and a hoarde of good books. So I suppose all I'd like is an extra hour's sleep. And more of all of that stuff for 2011.)
World Peace. By which I mean Daniel Craig. (Although world peace AND Daniel Craig would be toppers.)
And a pair of those bedroom shoes with headlights.
And Play Dough.
And a puppy.
A snuggie AND a sham-Wow!
Excuse me for saying so but I really wish people would say Santa's bag rather than sack. My skewed brain goggles like a 4th grader every time a hear or read Snata's sack.
I love the Santa and your new easier-to-read look.
Hoping for Santa to bring me clarity and energy and healing. And maybe a huge gift card to Amazon.
Merry Xmas too one and all.
A job!! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Merry Christmas!
I wish for . . . NYT Best Seller List *laughing*
or a nice fuzzy pair of socks and a warm gown will be nice, too :-D
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