Monday, April 18, 2011

A Meme, A Prompt (Five Words Into Fiction--Part 2)

Do you remember when a year or more ago there was a meme floating blogland, and several folks posted five words into fiction? (Here's mine.) This week I want to play on that. And I want to invite you to play (or read) along.
This time, the five words to incorporate don't come as suggestion from a friend or another blogger, they come from the dictionary. By merely flipping through its pages, stopping randomly and taking the bolded header word.
Using my small Webster's this morning, I've flipped for five words. They are:
photo from

So there you have it, my five words. This week I'll use them to write a flash fiction piece (less that 1000 words)--the words must appear in the text, I can't only allude to them--and will plan to post it Friday.
I'm excited because this sort of thing is stoopid fun, and it's good for a creative break from a consistent project. It's good exercise, too.
Want to join me? Link up and/or post the details on your own blog, and we'll spread the meme.
Ready? Set? Let's do this!


Lori M. Lee said...

This sounds super fun. I've got another writing blogfest to do for Friday, but I will think about this if I have time!

Wendy Paine Miller said...

I'm excited to see what you do with crow.

Wasn't it Peter Pan who sang, "I've got a crow"? I never did understand what that meant, but maybe those aren't the words.

~ Wendy

Linda Hoye said...

I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this! I'm not a fiction writer so I won't even try. PLUS I'm in Canada hugging grandkids this week!

Angela Hood-Ross said...

What fun! I may have to play along. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, I played along. I did the same on my blog and linked back to you. We'll see what we get on Friday! ;)

Barb said...

Phew, those are some interesting words to try and form a flash fiction piece out of. I'd like to play along, but I'll have to see if my brain is game over the next day or two. If so, I'll link back here. I could use a little stoopid fun.

fOIS In The City said...

This might not be a bad idea. I'll play around and get back to you and the wonderful writer who referred me, Sharla Scroggs.

Did you know the agent Janet Reid did this for a few weeks last year. I don't know if she still does.

Fantastic fun and foolishness :)