Series set around the Amish and their lives are among my favorite novels. Beverly Lewis, who writes so beautifully of the People, their families and customs, takes high rank among the authors for me. Others who write of this world are Wanda Brunstetter and a newer one, Cindy Woodsmall.
It's Woodsmall's first novel, When the Heart Cries, that I'm in the thick of now. And as I read into the night last evening, I couldn't help but appreciate my circumstance...

Severe rain and thunderstorms had swept into our area. We'd settled in our family room, lights off, drowsy and watching the lightning. Eventually, to the soft snores of my daughters (and the echoing whistle of my husband...), I lit a candle. Balancing it on my chest, I cracked the book open before me and lost myself in the world of Hannah Lapp, around whom the Sisters of the Quilt series is built.
For that little while, before my eyelids became too heavy, I imagined myself living Amish. The rain fell, soothing, on the roof above me as thunder rumbled outside. The flame of my candle danced and flickered, throwing light across the pages. And I buried myself beneath a quilt, just like the character in my book.
I may try to recreate the scenario again tonight...
If you're interested in learning of the Amish, visit the authors' links above. Each of the books found within their sites gives accurate, historically-based accounts of what life for the People is truly like. And if you read - or have read - any works from these writers, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
You paint a vivid picture - cool you were experiencing it while reading. :)
My high school was half an hour from an Amish community and my college right next to a Mennonite community. I never went into their towns but we saw them a lot!
Have you ever thought about writing someone's true life story about the Amish? I know someone who could supply you with one! It might not be so romantic in real life, though??? Just a thought
I agree, anonymous, there would certainly be hardships and downfalls. I couldn't make any of those sacrifices.
A true life story would be interesting! My best friend's family actually grew up as Amish, in the nearby town my post mentions, but her parents left the community when she was 1. I've heard some fascinating first-hand stories!
The Amish live a simpler life away from our mainstream one. I think they have the right idea of keeping the majority of the modern conveniences outside. If there ever is a major earth upheaval the Amish and the Memmonites will able to continue on as they always have. The world you and I live in, I feel we would all have mental breakdowns and be unable to cope.
Excellent post by the way.
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