Last Friday my mom, my daughters and I stopped at a garage sale. (Garage-saling is one of THE best things about spring...) A large coffee table caught my eye, and I thought on its potential a bit. With its battering from over the years, it had seen better days. But the piece was sturdy, and my mind saw what it could be. It was marked $30; I paid $25.
Here, as it was before. The two square inlays had a wicker look. It was chipping and ucky, and not something I was too keen on. You'll see how I took care of that in a bit...

I sanded the table down (the easiest sanding I've ever done!). I sponge-brushed a base of cornflower blue (two layers), then covered with black, also with the sponge-brush, which covered unevenly. A metallic-silver finish (one I watered down) was wiped over the surface, completing my sought-after distressed look. Then I covered the inlays with fabric and filled with some antique items I had; most have some meaning or symbolism. (Sorry that picture's dark; by that point I'd moved indoors, and the flash doesn't work on the camera I was using.) The table came with the beveled glass insert, which finished it off. It came out so much better than I'd envisioned!

What about you? Do you have other passions or hobbies? What do you do besides write?
ETA: I just realized my last question assumes you're a writer. How unfair of me. If you're not a writer, tell me what you do - and then give us the lowdown as to your hobbies. :)
Besides writing I fish, hunt and play poker. Figure since I writer women's fiction I'd better balance my life with manly activities. :)
And by the way the table looks great. I wouldn't have been able to see past the flaws.
LOL, Travis. :) I'd say those are the manliest of the manly.
Thanks! Not all my visions work out the best, but I'm really pleased with the table. I can't wait until my living room's remodeled so I can plop it right there. :)
Glad to have found you (via Travis).
The table looks great!
I have a garden and chickens--kind of hobbies I guess. I am an artist---hobby? (We are self-employed in the arts)
I love to read, when I have time.
Funny thing---I was always busy before I had kids; in the past 20 years, I have often wondered what I did with all my spare time!
Debra, I'm so glad you stopped by! Reading is high on my list, too, but I have no green thumb whatsoever. :( Thanks for the compliment on the table! :)
I love to bake. I often wonder if I would have owned a small bakery...
I also love to read, help people in all sorts of ways (visit the homebound...deliver my bread to them, of course!), and lots of other little things. I love to study and learn herbs and natural remedies and actually incorporate what I learn into my daily life. I'm a vegetarian, so I love trying new creative recipes. I love going to yard sales too. There's nothing quite like it! You've done a great job with this table too, by the way! My mom always did stuff like that when I was growing up. She still does.
Michele (with one L - hehe)
Thanks. :) Say, Michele, speaking of natural remedies... are you familiar with feverfew? It's supposed to be good for migraines, but I've yet to try it.
Nice table! I'm always so impressed with people who have an eye for the potential in things.
This isn't really a hobby, but I spend a lot of my time doing volunteer work for a non-profit I'm involved with. I like shorter term projects like fundraising, as well as hands-on, nitty-gritty work.
I also read a lot, and in the summer I like to do outdoorsy things like kayaking, swimming, tennis (although I stink at it) and golf (I stink at this too).
I've heard you make mention of the non-profit before, Wendy. It sounds like a great organization, and kudos to you for your work with them!
And more kudos for all those sporty things, especially the ones you play just because you think they're fun!
Janna, I'm doubly impressed with you today! Finished editing AND refinished a table? It's only the second day of summer! The table is gorgeous - that's something I've always wanted to do.
My hobbies are mostly active things, aside from reading: salsa dancing, most sports (volleyball & soccer have dominated most recently), that sort of thing.
The sporty things both you and Wendy mentioned sound so fun to me, but I have no endurance and even less grace. :P
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