I know
Stina does, anyway. She has bestowed upon me the
Your Blog is Fabulous Award, and I kindly thank her for it. Makes a girl's day, Stina!
And so, in response to the award, I'm to confess 5 things I'm addicted* to. I have to admit, they may come as no surprise, but here we go anyway.
1) Iced mochas. (See what I mean? You all knew that already.) But I've been shifting my addiction lately, from Starbucks' pre-bottled frappuccinos to a homemade version. I haven't tweaked it to perfection yet, but it's saving me loads of money and hitting the spot well enough. I'd still prefer a Starbucks Java Chip or even the iced mocha McDonald's sells now, but I can't run out each time I want one.
2) Chapstick. When my lips are chapped, I can't leave them alone. And when I can't leave them alone, they remain chapped. Hence: A chapstick addiction. (I have made the connection that it's most likely to happen when I'm deep in thought. But that's something I can't change... because I'm always deep in thought!)
3) Clean hands. If I were to get any kind of OCD diagnosis, it would be due to chronic hand-washing. I cannot stop myself, especially if I'm in the kitchen, messing around with things. And if I'm out in public, where I can't wash? Well then, I'm in trouble.
4) Feedback. From family, friends, strangers; as long as it's positive - and about my writing - I'll take it. All writers need reassurance that they're on the right path (although as I think about that statement, it's probably true for the entire human race), and I'm no exception. Bring it on!
5) People Magazine. I've been a subscriber since my firstborn was a baby, and I can't tell you how excited I get to retrieve it from the mailbox on Fridays (or how disappointed I am if it's late). Sure, it can be a superficial magazine, but that's kind of the point for me. It's a break from life; a chance to sit back and disconnect. On the other hand, they talk about everyday people, too, like you and me, and they offer reviews (on books! I particularly like the debut novelists...), among other things.
And next I'm supposed to pass the award on to five fabulous bloggers myself. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoy far more than five, as evidenced by my blog roll and the list of those I follow. Maybe it's a cop-out, but I can't do it. Can't narrow it down to just five. (If you'd like, though, feel free to pass this sucker on!)
So instead, tell me a thing or two you're addicted to. What can't you "live without"?
*I'd like to point out that I use the term addiction lightly. We all know it implies a serious problem, and I deal with my own concerns over how much I want or rely on certain things. It's an important thing to be aware of.