Thursday, November 15, 2007

So. Darn. Cold.

Though rumor has it our weather is supposed to get in the 60s again in my area of the Midwest (did I hear wrong?), it's blasted cold today. We've just had our propane tank filled and the heat is cranked - I even sat with my back mere inches from the fireplace - but I'm turning to ice! Makes for cold fingers that don't want to navigate a keyboard. Still, I plug away because I have to. I'm making headway on the book - almost finished with chapter 14. Wahoo!

I think, though, I'll go get a mug of hot chocolate, hold it in my hands to warm my fingers and beneath my face to thaw my nose.



Melanie Hooyenga said...

I posted about the cold today, too. I arrived in the Midwest yesterday and my body is in shock after the weather in Mexico. Hot chocolate sounds like a wonderful solution.

Good luck keeping momentum!

ORION said...

um...I was a little cold this morning cuz it got down to 78...

Janna Leadbetter said...

Pfft. 78? Send some north, wouldja?

kimmi said...

Cccold here as well Janna. A toast with my cup-of-tea! An' share my quilt!

nietzschean-ghost said...

Good luck with your chapter 14 Janna, my chapter 14 is currently driving me up the wall.

Jerry Allen said...

Charlotte, NC can get a bit nippy too. It was like 28 here the other night. Nice today, though. Bundle up, Janna!