The award is given to bloggers who write about real life. Barbara, I so appreciate your recognition of my efforts!
The idea is to pass the award on to seven others, and I'd like to tell you why I've chosen who I have.
First, Kimmi, who shares exciting news about her upcoming debut (The Unbreakable Child) and living that dream, and also enlightens readers with tales of her work with Habitat for Humanity. Great job, Kimmi!
Kelly, who so well expresses what it's like to be a farmer's wife. Even if I didn't know her personally, I'd find her musings interesting.
Melanie - Living in Mexico isn't easy for her, but she shares awesome stories and a great attitude, both which make it seem like such an adventure!
Terri, who writes about real life as a writer, which many of us can relate to and/or draw inspiration from. Thanks for all the encouragement, Terri!
Fringegirl, whose posts prove a pastor's wife can be fun and sassy!
Jewel, at Pink Ink, who tells us of everyday things in such touching and relatable ways.
And Joanne, whose pursuit of a choice life makes us all sit up and take note. Thanks for your beautiful posts!
And now, if each of you accept the honor and wouldn't mind following the guidelines, you're supposed to link to me (show me some love!), and link to the 7 seven to whom you choose to pass the award. Make sure to post the award picture somewhere on your own blog, too!
I also want to take the opportunity to thank every one of my readers, as well as all those whose blogs I read. Each of your posts give me something to ponder, and touch me in some way. You all make Bloggerland such a great place to be, and I thank you for the connection, the support, and the endless benefits of networking. Your friendship is awesome.
Congrats on the award! Well-deserved.
I, too, LOVE blogland and all my blogging buddies. Such an awesome community we have!
Ditto on the love of blog buds, ladies. (Ummm, how are we notified if we are chosen from the nominees for the award? My caffeine intake must be dangerously low. Didn't understand that part.) :)
Ahh, oh, oh, thank you sweetie for passing!!! Kindly appreciate it!!
hugs and congrats to you and your blog!
Melissa - Thank you!
Angie - Nope, you're golden, I just forgot that part! :P One should, if on the ball, leave a comment for those they've nominated.
Kimmi - You're so welcome!
Congrats Janna, and thanks! Several people have been spreading the blogland love today. :)
Janna, thanks so much for thinking of me. I'm so glad you enjoy my blog and I appreciate your input on it inspiring us all to pursue our choice lives! I think you're one of the first blog friends I made when I started last summer! And congrats to you, for your award!
And much love to you, too! I love my blogging buddies!
Janna, thank you for the award. It's very kind of you to include me. I appreciate it. Congrats to you on getting the award yourself! You deserve it.
I'm hooked on blogging. I love it and I love reading other people's blogs. I'm going to check out the other blogs you nominated. Thanks for suggesting some good reads!
Congrats, Janna! You not only blog "real", but I also look forward to your uplifting comments.
Thanks for the shout out :-)
I just discovered Pink Ink, and I LOVE Melanie's blog. I've taking a trip through her archives... even better!
Will check out more. I love the memes that help me discover new blogs!
Thank you dear friend for thinking of me at just the moment I needed it!! Love your blog!! Congrats!
Melanie - I think Christmastime brings out everyone's lovey-feely nature. ;)
Stina - Thanks!
Joanne - My pleasure!
Colby - Aw! *hugs*
Fringegirl - You're an old blogging pro now!
Jewel - Thank you so much.
Spy - I agree!
Terri - I'm so glad this came at the right time!
Congrats Janna! Well deserved.
Janna, I somehow stumbled across your blog from someone else's then when I got here I realized I'd been here before, which made me wonder how your book proposal went, the last I heard you were asked for the full. (That is one run on sentence!)
Anyway, I'm going to look around here and see if I can find an update on your book status! Fun times!
P.S. Congratulations on the award!
Aaron - I appreciate it!
Stonefox, hi! Thanks for coming back. :)
Can I link back to YOU! I just got back, but I'll get this running soon!
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