Some of you are familiar with the blog Novel Journey. I can't remember how I happened upon it; likely through one of you.
I found an interview last week to be incredibly inspiring, and today I point you toward its great insights and pieces of advice:
Author Robin Burcell ~ Interviewed
Thanks, Janna. Very interesting. I like that she tries to dream about the book she's writing. I do that all the time.
Whoops! :-)
Yes, I'm familiar with that blog. Thanks for the link!
Really informative interview Janna, with much insight. I liked a couple things in particular that she said: 1. To write what you love vs. what you know. Great spin on writing, where it seems that the passion would just shine through the words. 2. Regarding marketing. I hear so much these days about the vast marketing authors must do, I wonder how they can ever write again! But she seemed to nail it with choosing limited, but very effective marketing, then get back to work writing. Sounds like great advice.
Hey that was an interesting interview. Thanks for posting a link to it. I've heard the advice about writing a page a day before, but it was good to hear again!
Will go there now--thanks!
Lori - I've tried that, but to no avail. :)
Jessica - (I didn't get any WIP writing done over the weekend. ;) Sure!
Joanne - I thought the same. She had lots of nuggets of wisdom!
Matt - Hi! Thanks for stopping by. It was a great interview, huh?
Terri - Hope you find it helpful. :)
Thanks for the linky!
Enjoyed that interview - glad you highlighted it! I too like that she said to write what you love. I sometimes do get ideas from dreams so having paper near the bed is a must! And writing one page a day is always progress!
Thank you for the link that was so wonderful! I like how she said she goes to bed at night and plot points her novel regarding what comes next. I do that too!
Cool interview!
Melanie - You're welcome! Thought is def worth sharing.
Joy - It seems so simple, the one page a day, doesn't it?
T. Anne - Maybe I should try it. :)
Colby - For sure!
Thanks for the link. I'll add it to my favorites.
Lynnette Labelle
Nice one. Am going to listen to it properly in the morning as had SO MANY INTERRUPTIONS!! See you then!
Thanks, and I'm glad I reminded you. Can't go without those! I took my last one this morning too.
Thanks for pointing me toward this blog.
Lynnette - Definitely worth following!
Ladybird - Hope you're well, despite said interruptions. :)
scarlethue - Made an appt for tomorrow!
Janet - Certainly. :)
Thanks for the link! I showed it to my husband. He's an aspiring novelist and I just keep encouraging him. Thanks again!
You always have such good and interesting things here, Janna. Thanks!
Shey - I hope he finds the link helpful. Good luck to him!
Angie - Why, thank ya, ma'am. :)
I'll go check it out!
zlsky - Stay off my blog, please.
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