Monday, March 2, 2009


As I helped my littlest brush tangles from her hair the other day, I thought about how much the process is like writing.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a confused mass of words, unable to work through them, thinking it impossible to make them smooth and beautiful.

But just as with my three-year-old's curls, the tangles need to be approached with patience, a little hard work and elbow grease.

With a little faith in knowing what could be, and our best in persistence, beauty awaits.


Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

What pretty hair!

I always think that combing tangles is just like life. Getting the knots out, one small section at a time.

Jenni James said...

Okay, wow! Seriously jealous of all those gorgeous curls! LOL! And yes! I have a little MS Called Emmalee, that is a massive heap of tangles at the moment... if only i could get the time to comb through it yet again, spritz some conditioning treatment and lots of love, I could fall in love all over again! Jenni

Terri Tiffany said...

And I thank you again for helping me!
Great hair!

Linda Hoye said...

What beautiful hair your daughter has!

Melanie Hooyenga said...

I love her hair!

What a great analogy. I wrote about 50 words yesterday and I'm just not feeling the story, but I think it's that eternal fear of it not being perfect on the first shot. Thanks for reminding me that I need to go through it several times before it shines. :)

Joanne said...

Nice parallel, another reminder in our daily life, shining a light on our craft, illuminating a truth in what we create.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Ooo, girlie, sometimes I feel like I'm dealing with ankle-length hair and a nit comb! :)

Kelly said...

I like your analogy, but could you post another where you tell how to get my hair to look like that? So jealous...

Jessica Nelson said...

Great comparison! Your daughter's hair is gorgeous. :-)

JLC said...

It helps to have the right tools too. Like a boar bristle brush that doesn't pull on the tangles. :)

Janna Leadbetter said...

Capri K - Yes! Little by little, right?

Jenni - You will, lady, you will!

Terri - You are so welcome.

Linda - Thank you! Neither of my daughters had much hair until they were two, so I'm relishing it now.

Melanie - Same here. It's reminding myself that it won't be perfect the first try, and just moving on anyway. So tough.

Janna Leadbetter said...

Joanne - Powerful words!

Angie - LOL!

Kelly - I wish I knew! ;)

Jessica - Thank you, on both counts. :)

Turkey - I'll have to remember that. ;)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful hair...beautiful analogy...and beautiful new pic of you. Wonderful post.

Donna M. Kohlstrom said...

Beautiful hair! Made me think about phone call from my son last night who told me that my youngest granddaughter, 10, was going to have a curly perm (her first) on her shoulder length hair. Can't wait to see pics of it! Having your hair done, especially a new style, makes you feel so good!

Anonymous said...

Such pretty hair, my daughter has curls like that and hates it. Such a shame! Straightens it every day. So do I, so I guess I can't talk. We never like what comes to us easy!

You have such a poetic way of looking at things, it always amazes me.

Love the new pic, by the way! Very professional. Very book-jackety.

WendyCinNYC said...

Aw, it looks pretty.

My daughter has hair like that and it's always *full* of tangles. So yes, patience with hair care and writing goes a long way.

Anonymous said...

Bad memories for me. My mother would try to straighten my hair with a hot blower directly to the scalp while nearly ripping my curly hair with a metal brush from its roots.

Oh joy!

Spy Scribbler said...

Great analogy, Janna! I'm looking at the tangles and sighing, right now.

Btw, I love your new picture!

Melissa Amateis said...

Wow! Gorgeous hair!

My daughter HATES to have her hair brushed. As a result, we have those twenty minute brushing episodes where she cringes and I wade through the tangles.

I feel like I'm a bit tangled in editing my manuscript right now, but I shall keep at it. :-)

BiPolar Wife said...

My daughter, Sydne, had Shirley Temple curls until she was about 9. We battled those beauties as best we could but her hair tended to grow "out" like a shrub instead of "down" like normal hair! Her hair is still beautiful but to her mother's horror, she uses a straightening iron on it every day. Sigh. She's 15. What can you do?!

Janna Leadbetter said...

Ang - Thank you! I'm glad you like everything. ;)

Donna - Ooh, she's at a fun age to start experimenting with her hair!

Sharla - Well goodness, I appreciate the comment about having a poetic view of things. Thank you!

Wendy - The bad news is, I think my daughter with the straight hair gets MORE tangled!

Rafael - Oh you poor, poor guy. That must have been horrible.

Spy - Thanks! And I'm in a similar spot... but trying to move on with the WIP instead of going back to fix tangles now.

Melissa - Good for you! You'll be so glad you stuck with it.

MichaƩle - Yep! I'd say at this point, she gets to do what she wants with it. ;)

Anonymous said...

Your little one has beautiful hair!


colbymarshall said...

pretty little curls!

Joshua said...

must have got that from dads side, as the Leadbetter hair is well......not as big lol

Jewel Allen said...

Love that analogy, Janna.

I love fixing my girls' hair for them. To me it's such a special privilege as their mother.

Kathy said...

I miss brushing my daughter's hair. She is 21 now, so she brushes her own hair.
I'll have to borrow someone's daughter, I guess. It's funny but my mom used to like it when we would comb her hair for her. Very relaxing.
There was a time when my daughter had this whole bee's nest of tangles. We could not get them out. I took her to my hairdresser and it took her about 3 hours to remove the tangles.

Janna Leadbetter said...

Thanks, FringeGirl and Colby!

Josh - No doubt! LOL

Jewel - I wish my girls would let me do more. Neither had hair until 2 y.o., and didn't get used to brushes and clips and ponytails. Because of that, my youngest won't let me do anything but brush it. My oldest is starting to let me do stuff, but I wait to play around with cute 'dos!

Kathy - I have an aunt who's that way; LOVES to sit and have someone brush her hair. And maybe you'll someday have a granddaughter whose hair you can take care of! :)

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

very well said! And her hair is beautiful!

Janna Leadbetter said...

Thank you, Tabitha! Welcome! :)